

N46 ‘Nutrition’

Promotes nutrient assimilation

  • 100% olive tree improvement
  • Balances pH
  • Field-tested
  • Zero waste

N46 ‘NUTRITION’ is a fertilizer composed of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium indicated to correct the deficiencies of these nutrients. It achieves nutritional balance and increases the number of fruit setting.


  • Its acid behaviour lowers the the nutrient solution pH, promoting nutrient assimilation.
  • It is well tolerated by the olive tree.
  • N46 ‘NUTRITION’ is compatible with all nutritional correctors and most phytosanitary treatments (insecticides, fungicides and herbicides).
  • Maximum cost-effectiveness by avoiding the application of complementary pH correctors.
  • Easy handling and dosage due to its gel form.
  • Product free of impurities and does not clog the nozzles of sprayers.
  • Low risk of phytotoxicity, even at high doses. N46 ‘Nutrition’ is a low phytotoxic product (chlorides, biuret. . .). Therefore, it does not cause damage either to the plant or the environment.

Presentation: fluid gel
Product quantity availability: 5 y 10L
Application Timetable: jfmamjjasond

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